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Foster Technologies Inc.
作者姓名:James A. Erskine; Michael LeBoldus
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B03D004
出版日期:2003/05/28內容長度:11 頁

Foster Technologies Inc. is a wholly owned research and development subsidiary of LB Foster that focuses on wheel counter research and development for traffic control and the railway industry. The failed test of the railway wheel counting prototype was jeopardizing the company's promised delivery of the devices to a customer by the end of the month. With the company's and the vice-president of operations reputations at stake, he must decide .....more

Grandview Excavators Ltd.
作者姓名:James A. Erskine; Michael LeBoldus
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B03M020
出版日期:2003/05/01內容長度:7 頁

Grandview Excavators Ltd. is a privately owned company that prepares and excavates land for construction development. A recently promoted project estimator has prepared a quote for a project. He receives a phone call from the customer stating that the quote was too low and to resubmit a new quote for a suggested higher amount. He makes the adjustment and submits the second quote. A few days later the company is awarded the project and work begins .....more

Bombardier Aerospace
作者姓名:James A. Erskine; Michael LeBoldus
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B03C016
出版日期:2003/05/01內容長度:5 頁

Bombardier Aerospace is a division of Bombardier Inc., the world's third largest airframe manufacturer. The manager of ground based training operations at the flight training school discovers an inconsistency in the relocation policy. Investigating the policy further, he feels the definition of the policy is not clear and therefore not fair to all employees. He must decide whether he should try to change the policy, and consider the consequen .....more